Why Choose Vertical?
Vertical brings decades of experience using a proven process to deliver customer success. We offer a carefully curated selection of products using a unique wholesale delivery model that ensures world-class customer satisfaction. That’s the Vertical Difference.

People and Process
The Vertical difference comes down to our amazing staff and the constantly improved process they use to deliver implementation and support to you.
Vertical is a human-focused company. It’s all about our people who bring decades of experience to helping you. The average time on staff in our company is 11 years and over half the company are technical and customer service resources dedicated to your success.
We use our proven Steps to Success process with every customer. It’s the result of decades delivering communications solutions and ensures the process is worry-free. We help you avoid every issue we’ve already encountered over the years.
Our process is run by our PMP-certified project managers who ensure everything stays on track. They rely on our technical team who hold over a thousand technical certifications. They are constantly adding new certifications through our professional development program. Having the most highly trained team in the business is a key part of the Vertical Difference.
Over the years, we’ve determined the most likely failure point in a project is the transitions. Whether it’s from the sales team to the implementation team, or from implementation to ongoing support, the transition is where the cracks show. Vertical’s process focuses specifically on these hand-offs to make sure nothing is missed. For example, the same solution engineer that works with you during the sales process continues to be involved throughout the planning and implementation process. Making sure nothing falls through is a key part of the Vertical Difference.
Vertical is laser-focused on customer satisfaction. The results of this focus speak for themselves. We ask every customer the Net Promoter Score (NPS) question. Our lifetime rating is 83. That’s world-class in any industry and leads the communications industry.
Our Curated Product Portfolio
Many agents selling cloud communications simply offer everything on the market. They may sell 40-100 products. No one can be experts at all of those and they don’t really try. Vertical has identified the leading solutions in the marketplace and focuses on just offering those solutions.
Vertical has spent years identifying the best products on the market to serve customer needs. We’ve chosen industry leaders in Unified Communications and Contact Center to make sure you have the best possible product, not just today, but in the future as well.
Vertical has built unique relationships with each product vendor unlike anything else in the marketplace. We negotiated a wholesale model for cloud that allows us to truly own the customer experience. This means that we are able to quote, contract, bill, and support the product using Vertical’s world-class team rather than depending on the third-party vendor. Vertical originated this model in 2018 and are still one of the only companies in the country able to offer it across all of the industry-leading products.
Our focus on our curated portfolio of products guarantees that Vertical is an expert in everything we sell. Cloud technology requires constant effort to stay current as the products evolve constantly. Our staff is always training on the latest technologies from our partners so we can be your experts. No other organization in the country is as deeply trained as the Vertical team.
Because of our wholesale model, Vertical does the contracting and billing for our cloud products. Vertical has put in the effort to be registered in every state and handles all of the difficult telecom taxes. This means we have flexibility to accommodate your special contract and billing needs when they arise. Vertical has a flexibility that no other reseller can match.
While most resellers now focus entirely on cloud, Vertical recognizes that some customers still need an on-premise solution. That’s why we include leading products in our portfolio to meet those needs.